
Saturday, 26 May 2012

Ivo Valentin

This is my Semester 01 major project for Diploma Year 02.

The poster magazine on top was inspired by Classic Rock Magazine, Queen Issue (Credits goes to Classic Rock for the layout). This was done for my credits of my animation, not for publication purposes but purely for school work intention.
Turntable :
Project Title :
Ivo Valentin

Abstract (Theme/Concept) :
You'll have a moment in your life when you’re tired and not happy of what you’re doing right now. So why not try to break out from your comfort zone? and maybe you’ll discover more of yourself.

The film follows Ivo Valentin as he adapts on changes from his environment. Ivo, a pianist, is inside his room practicing his piano piece with an invisible piano just to get his confidence, but he got bored and got fed up on his classical music piece. He heard someone changing radio channel and then he tries to adapt and get motivation from different music genres.

Some images of Ivo Valentin :

Extra Stuffs:

Date of Completion: July 22, 2012 (approximately half a day)

Adrianne Showreel 2011-2012

A 1 minute 49 seconds film showcasing my works from Level 02: Diploma Year. Works including drawing studies of human anatomy and two other major animation projects.

I do not own any music, credits to: Yak Ballz - Glory Days Gone Instrumental

Autodesk Matchmover Test

First Autodesk Matchmover Test, I did it in 1 week, using my major project character - Eek (in collaboration with Sean Chong Jing Yung).

Credits to: LMFAO - Sexy and I know it for my soundtrack.

eLiens (Production)

To watch the final animation trailer: (
Visit Sean Chong's page: (

Me and my partner had a great sharing of knowledge and assets in this project. He is really good at 2D works  (Drawing, Concept Designs, Story Boarding and all other concept development) and Stories. The story was basically his idea, and we further develop it by the help of friends, lecturers and classmates. After the story and the concept designs are all confirmed, I, by then came in to transfer it in 3-Dimensional World. While he was the concept designer, I was the so-called "technical executor".  I'm not claiming that I did all the modeling, rigging, texturing - but we had a good sharing of skills on each and every work. I started off modeling the characters and he did the refinement to it. I did the modeling of the furniture first, the whole laboratory and when the time comes that we have to separate all the furniture to different scenes - he started to add more furniture to make all the rooms appealing and he also modeled the whole amusement park. 

What I'm proud of and happy about our group is the teamwork we had - sometimes I'll do little refinements on some models he did and he will do the same thing on mine. Eek (Boy) was rigged by me but blendshapes by him, while Aya (Girl) was rigged by him but I did blendshapes for it. It was really a matter of helping each other to improve and make everything better.

The most exciting part, is executing the lighting. The lighting for the bedroom and amusement park was basically done by him and I just did a very few refinements to it. I enjoyed lighting the laboratory, the environment and the living room. It may not be perfect but as a beginner, and I can say that it was my first time doing environment lighting, I didn't really expect that it would be quite fun and enjoyable. 

Heres' a 2D Colour Script made by Sean Chong and I did the 3D Colour Script.

When it comes to animation, the credits would definitely on him, at first I did the first laboratory scene, but after a number of revisions, I gave up on it and gave that scene to him and he did all the refinements to it.

Through out this 4 months ++ of doing our final project for Diploma - we had learned a lot, even though we had experienced rejections, we had little fights and disagreements, a lot of ups and downs, but it was all worthwhile, and all the hardships and pains had paid off in the end. 

I really had fun, even though there are times that I really wanted to give up and to just stop, I didn't and he didn't, instead we became more eager - but at the end of everything I really enjoyed it, I think that's the most important experience/learning you will get from a teamwork :)

P.S to my partner, who had a lot of patience on me, thank you very much and sorry for being the grumpy woman haha! you're just awesome! :)

Some images of our characters:

AYA ("endurance")

EEK ("eagerness")

Some images of our environment:

Visit Sean Chong's page: (


More Project Description: (


How do we cherish a love that is ephemeral?

Major Project: Diploma Level 02 - semester 02.
Produced with: Sean Chong Jing Yung

Project Brief: to create a 1-minute trailer from a 3 to 5-minute animation; inspired from 1969 to 1979 songs.

Synopsis: The story is about cherishing each other before it's too late. In this planet, there were aliens born with limited lifespan. These two aliens are a couple named Eek (guy) and Aya (girl). They have a countdown device attached on their bodies. Green color signifies you're safe, while red, signifies that your life is about to end soon. Eek has the idea to build a device that can prolong their life. He has decided to challenge their fate. But the day he has this idea is the day he gets further from Aya, and here the conflict comes in.

The title 'e•Liens' is a combination of two words, e stands for ephemeral and Lien is a french word which means bond, the meaning behind the title explains the whole story itself.

I do not own this music, credits to The Carpenters for their wonderful song - Close to You :)